Checking the text in side bar

Friday, May 26, 2006


Last few classes have been fun. I have learned some important things. Here is first.

Differentiation: Say there is a market for red widgets. The full market currently demands the red widgets and supply is met. Everyone buys the same red widget. And noone is able to think of any other color for widget but red. And here you come with your blue widget. An extremely extraordinary, out of box idea of producing dashing, shining, latest blue widgets. And it doesn't sell. No body is buying it. This is new, this is latest, this is different. This has to be good. Yet no one is buying it.

Moral of the story: "You might create something different but it is not differentiation. A differentiation is only some change which can be valued by someone else other than yourself. And numbers those someones matter."

Think of it, it is everywhere. You go to your boss, you tell him "see I have this new way to code or complete this task, why don't you promote this among others? and why don't you give me a raise for the same?"

Now you know why he really doesnt care about your extremely brilliant idea.


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